Games of our lives is a new High Gadfly initiative that aims to address the social issues of our time in the format of game reviews. The internet is filled with You Tube videos that review products, games and events and many people spend a good chunk of their time watching these videos so we figured by creating similar content in a trans-media format we will be able to not only entertain our viewers, but also to playfully educate and invite them into rethinking many of our social constructs in deeper layers.
"The Wedding Game" is the first in these series and is a collaboration with our sister company Ani Studio. In order to do something creative, they decided to retell one of their favorite client's love story in a unique format, however in order to add something more than sheer entertainment they teamed up with High Gadfly and created what you are about to see online. Please check our social media to watch the upcoming segments of these series and don't forget to tell us your thoughts.
Also keep an open eye for our upcoming shows as The Game of our lives will not be limited to these wedding games only.